You are currently viewing 9 Lots of Mowing Grass. Available by Tender

Download Particulars and Tender Form


The first six lots (1, 2, 4, 5, 6 & 7) are located at Tregorden Farm, Wadebridge, one lot (9) is located at St. Kew Highway and the final two lots (10 – 11) are located at St. Minver, all as shown on the attached Location Plans.

(Lots 3 & 8 = No Lot)


The attached Schedule shows the acreage of the respective lots, extending in all to approximately 106.1 acres.

Lots 1, 2, 4, 9, 10 and 11 are available for two cuts of silage or hay from 15th February 2024 with a vacation date of 31st July 2024.  These parcels are shown edged in RED on the attached Location Plans.

Lots 5, 6, and 7 are available for one cut of silage or hay from 15th March 2024 with a vacation date of 15th June 2024.  These parcels are shown edged in BLUE on the attached Location Plans.

In September 2021, Lot 4 was reseeded by direct drilling with a Rye Grass seed mixture into the existing sward.  In October 2022, Lots 2, 4, 9 & 10 were reseeded by direct drilling with a Rye Grass seed mixture in to the existing sward.  The new seeds had an application of P and K at sowing.  There has been no further reseeding following this.

The Licensor has advised that an area within part of the southern section of Lot 9 (St. Kew Highway) was partially affected by slug damage after reseeding in October 2022.  Interested parties should pay particular attention to this area during inspection.

There are sheep grazing within lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 & 7 (Wadebridge) including sheep belonging to the Licensor as well as some sheep belonging to third parties on short-term winter keep.  All sheep will be removed by the Licensor prior to the Licence commencement dates that are stated above.  For the avoidance of doubt, there will be no sheep grazing of Lot 9 (St. Kew Highway) or Lots 10 & 11 (St. Minver).


Purchasers of grass will be required to supply and apply their own fertiliser prior to each cut.

Fertiliser applications in previous years – for information only

No fertiliser will be applied by the Licensor in 2024 and so Licensees will need to supply and apply their own fertiliser.

Lime levels were tested in 2019 and appropriate adjustments made by the Licensor.

As guidance information only, in the previous season the following applications were to be made (as advised by former Licensees when tendering): –

Lots 1, 2 & 4 (Wadebridge Land – Two Cuts): approx. 90 Units of Nitrogen and 3 cwt/acre 0:24:24 prior to 1st cut and then 3 cwt/acre 24:4:14 plus sulphur prior to 2nd cut.

Lots 5, 6 & 7 (Wadebridge Land – One Cut): approx. 90 Units of Nitrogen, 50 Units of Phosphate and 80 Units of Potash per acre prior to cut.

Lot 9 (St Kew Highway Land – Two Cuts): approx. 4 cwt/acre 20:10:10 prior to 1st cut and then 3 cwt/acre “Sulphur Cut” prior to 2nd cut.

Lots 10 & 11 (St Minver Land – Two Cuts): Urea, 0:20:30 & 20:10:10 as per Nutrient Management Guide RB209.

Stewardship Schemes & Sustainable Farming Incentives:

For the sake of complete clarity, the Licensee will not be entitled to any payments under the Basic Payment Scheme, or any Stewardship Schemes or Sustainable Farming Incentives.


Most of the Lots enjoy good access either direct from the Council highway or via hard surfaced access lanes.

Application and Tender Form:

The highest or any other tender will not necessarily be accepted, entirely at the Licensor’s discretion.

Tenders must be submitted to the Agents using the attached tender form only.

Deadline for Tenders: – Monday 15th January 2024 @ 12:00 Noon.

Tenders must be submitted on the attached tender form only, and returned to:

Lodge & Thomas, 58 Lemon Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2PY.

FAO Ross Collins.

Scanned tender forms may also be emailed to:


Each Lot will be subject to a Licence for Mowing Only, with payment for the full Term due in full, in advance, plus Agent’s Commission of 5% + VAT.


Viewing may take place at any reasonable time.

Please take a copy of these Particulars with you, and respect the usual Countryside Code.

Please leave gates as you find them and take due care when viewing.

Viewing must be ON FOOT only with no vehicles to be brought onto the land.