
The Land consists of five fields located at Trevedras Farm, St Mawgan, Newquay, Cornwall, as shown on the attached Field and Location Plans.


The attached Schedule shows the acreage of each of the fields, extending in all to approximately 30.04 acres (12.157 ha). The fields are well-proportioned with a gentle southerly aspect and are classified as Grade III on the Agricultural Land Classification Maps for the area (

The land will be in permanent pasture at commencement.


The Tenant will not break up or convert into tillage any part of the Holding described as permanent pasture in the Schedule.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Tenant will not be permitted to cultivate any part of the holding. The land will remain as permanent pasture for the duration of the Tenancy.


The attached Field and Location plans show the location of the land, with access to ONLY field 4060 being through the main farm entrance. Fields 1348, 2640 & 3741 are accessed from the road to the north of the land and through subsequent internal gateways. Field 4922 is also accessed via internal gateways, or by the road running along its eastern boundary.

Application and Tender Form:

The highest or any other tender will not necessarily be accepted, entirely at the Landlord’s discretion.

Tenders must be submitted to the Agents by 12 noon on Friday 5th May 2023 using the attached tender form only.


The Land will be subject to a 2 year Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995 Farm Business Tenancy with the rent due half yearly in advance. In addition, there will be a contribution to Agent’s Fees of 5% of the annual tendered rent, subject to a minimum of £200 + VAT for the preparation of the Tenancy, due at commencement.

The Tenancy will commence 15th May 2023 and runthrough to 14th May 2025

The Tenant will carry adequate third party liability insurance.

Viewing:Please contact the Agents to arrange.  Please take a copy of these Particulars with you, and respect the usual Countryside Code. Viewing is to be carried out on foot only.