Property Summary
Land available by separate negotiation.
Full Details
The Site
Accessed off a minor country lane, the site is approached over a short private accessway, bordered by residential properties and farmland to the east. The site extends to 0.3 acre and was formally used for agricultural purposes and enjoys a good degree of privacy.
Outline Planning
In July 2023, outline planning consent, with all matters reserved was obtained for the construction of up to two detached dwellings on the site (PA23/01622).
1. Details of the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, (hereinafter called the reserved matters) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before any development begins and the development shall be carried out as approved.
2. An application for approval of reserved matters must be made no later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this decision and the development hereby approved shall commence no later than 2 years from the final approval of the reserved matters or, in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved.
3. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans listed below under the heading "Plans Referred to in Consideration of this Application".
4. Before the development hereby permitted is commenced, a scheme to deal with any instability of the ground shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall include on site investigations and an assessment to identify the extent of unstable ground and the measures to be taken to avoid risk to buildings when the site is developed. The approved scheme shall be fully implemented and completed before the development hereby permitted is first occupied.
5. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the installation of a system to serve the development for the disposal of sewage has been completed in accordance with details which shall first have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include a programme for maintaining the system if required. The system shall be retained and maintained thereafter in accordance with the approved details.
6. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the installation of a system for the disposal of surface water on the site has been completed in accordance with the details which shall first have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include a programme for maintaining the system. The system shall be retained and maintained thereafter in accordance with the approved details.
Extra Land
Adjoining the site and edged green on the attached plan, approximately 2 acres of agricultural land is available by separate negotiation. The land is currently laid to pasture and has a gentle slope with a westerly aspect and views of the surrounding countryside are enjoyed towards the top boundary. If the land is acquired, the purchaser will be responsible to erect a new boundary fence of tanalised timber posts, pig netting and two stands of barbwire between points A and B within 3 months of completion.
Property Information
Proposed Services
Mains Electric and Water. Private Drainage. Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries of the appropriate statutory undertakers: National Grid: 0800 096 3080; South West Water: 0800 169 1144; Wales and West Utilities: 0800 912 2999
Wayleaves, Easements & Rights of Way
The sale will be subject to and with the benefit of all wayleaves, easements and rights of way as may exist. A South West Water main runs along the southern boundary. The neighbouring property, Glenmor has a right of way which leads to their garden.
Particulars & Plan
Whilst every care is taken in the preparation of these particulars, their accuracy is not guaranteed and they do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. Any intending purchaser/s must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of these particulars.
The development site stands in a rural position on the edge of the small cluster of properties in the hamlet of Trenance, positioned on the eastern side of The Lizard Peninsula. The nearby village of St Keverne, approx. 1 mile, provides services and facilities for everyday requirements, to include butchers, news agents, village stores, Post Office, public house, church and doctor’s surgery. And a regular bus service leads to the nearby market town of Helston, boasting a wider range of services and facilities. The coastal hamlet of Porthoustock provides access to the sea and is enjoyed by many for swimming, fishing, paddle boarding etc.
Viewing & Directions
Viewers may access the plot, during daylight hours adhering to the Countryside Code. Please notify the agents Lodge & Thomas of your intended visit. Tel: 01872 272722 Email:
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