We hold weekly sales of Finished Lambs/Hoggets, Cull Ewes & Rams and Store Lambs every Wednesday at Truro Livestock Market.  We also hold seasonal sales of Breeding Stock & Couples.

Prior notification of entries call or text  Ed Harris: 07977 662443 or Ross Collins 07966 589188

Farm Assurance

West Country PGI Farm Declaration (LAMB/HOG)  

Our buyers are becoming increasingly interested in PGI. As a Farm Assured producer, we hope you will be eligible to sell prime lambs under the West Country PGI trademark, so long as you meet the PGI requirements listed below, primarily that the lambs have been born and reared in the West Country.  

There is a PGI Declaration Form which we need you to complete and send in each time you sell prime lambs at the Market. Without this declaration, which must include your Farm Assurance sticker, we will not be able to sell your lambs as West Country PGI.  

PGI Lamb Requirements:

  • Born, reared and finished within the West Country Region comprising of the six counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire.
  • Are no more than 12 months of age.
  • During their lifetime have been fed on minimum 70% forage based diet and have received a suitable period of grazing, typically 2 months. (Supplements may have been fed at weaning and finishing stage and ingredients and purchasing records have been maintained on the animal feeding log). 

PGI Forms will be included with your cheque each week and are downloadable below or available to complete at the Office on Market day.

Sheep Tagging Requirements

LAMBS (for slaughter before 12 months of age) 

Lambs must be identified by an EID tag, either:-  A single yellow EID slaughter tag, or Full EID – one yellow EID tag and a matching non-EID tag 


Breeding sheep require full EID (two eartags as above), as currently. 


We are now only allowed to sell ewes which have electronic ID tags to the open market. Ewes presented to us with old manual eartags will only be permitted to be sold to our slaughterhouse/abattoir buyers.

Sheep Movement Licences

Purchasers are reminded of the procedure for movement licences accompanying sheep bought at Truro Market. We will provide you with two copies of the licence and accompanying EID eartag printout. One copy is for the retention of yourself as purchaser, the other is to be signed and sent to Defra. As before, we are happy to send off this half of the movement licence for you if you sign it on collection from the Sheep Office. If not, the new address to post your signed movement licences to is:- Animal Reporting and Movement Service (ARAMS), SouthWestern, PO Box 6299, Milton Keynes, MK10 1ZQ within 3 days. 

Vendors are reminded that all sheep moved to market must be accompanied by a sheep movement licence. We have licences available at our Sheep Office or contact SouthWestern as above. The “Food Chain Information (FCI)” and “Total number of animals” sections must be completed. It is essential that vendors of prime lambs and hogs who are Farm Assured also complete a PGI Form (see above) with their Farm Assurance sticker – NO STICKER = NO FARM ASSURANCE!!

Private Treaty Sales

Please refer to our Private Treaty page for details.

Truro Market Sheep Points Competition

Each week in our Market Reports we publish a list of the top averages and top prices per head for prime lambs and hoggets. Throughout the year, points are awarded to producers achieving top averages and prices as follows:-  

Each week producers achieving the top average and top price per head will each be awarded 3 points, second highest – 2 points and third highest – 1 point.

In each category, only producers’ top price pen to score.

Minimum of 6 lambs/hoggets a pen.

Points will apply to both hoggets and new season lambs (hoggets scored up to and including the second market in May).  

A Challenge Cup and £100 will be awarded to the producer achieving 1st place with the highest number of points, 2nd – £50, 3rd – £25 and 4th – £15.

It is hoped that our much valued customers will enjoy competing.